How do we earn money?

Transparency is important to us at, which is why we openly outline how we make money here.

As an independent website on crowd growing, we want to offer interested private investors who are interested in crowdfunding projects in the cannabis sector a decision-making aid and thus contribute to provider transparency.

This is primarily to relieve you of the extensive research and in return for this information, which is free to you, we receive a commission from the crowd growing provider you choose.

We want to offer you added value and guide you in your decision whether crowd growing could be interesting for you at all and which provider is the right one for you.

Our business model

Our business model is based on affiliate marketing and allows us to provide you with the extensively researched information free of charge.

However, we do not yet receive a commission from the crowd growing platforms for the registration via our site. Rather, we only receive a commission as compensation for our work effort when an actual transaction takes place.

If you click on a link and sign up with a crowd growing provider, we are not compensated as yet.

So we only get a commission if you buy a pitch or a plant on the Crowd Growing platform after successful registration via our link.

Does this now mean that, when in doubt, we will only introduce you to crowd growing platforms that are profitable for us?

No. Absolutely not.

Claim and integrity

This would not only undermine our own integrity but would violate our own claims.

We rather want to provide more transparency and give you a better overview of the different crowd growing platforms. We therefore also list all platforms known to us and give hints if we have information about black sheep in the crowd growing sector.

If you know of any other providers or have information about the platforms listed, please feel free to contact our editorial team using the contact form.


Unfortunately, scams or pyramid schemes cannot be 100% ruled out in this still very young sub-sector of crowdfunding. In fact, it is likely that some providers will not survive on the market in the long term.

NaOf course, we can at no time guarantee that the information is all completely correct. Rather, we try to research and prepare the information for you to the best of our knowledge and belief.